From mother to son. A journal to my baby. A record of good, bad, funny, and sad memories. You bring a joyful excitment to our lives and make this journey an amazing one.

Monday, February 7, 2011

February 6, 2011

Dear Bennsyn,
         In January you graduated Nursury you and are now a Sunbeam.  Daddy and I thought that you would have no problem transitioning, but it was a little bit of a bigger deal to you.  Even though you were with a lot of the same kids, Sunbeams class made you nervous.  You had really gotten attached to one of your Nursury teachers and you were sad that she wasn't your teacher anymore.  I had to sit in class with you for the first few weeks and you have come to find out that Primary is pretty neat.
        Yesterday you had the big job of saying the opening prayer in Primary.  We had talked about it throughout the week and you were excited to do it!  But when it came time everything happened so fast and it scared you a little bit.  At the last second you got really shy and you refused to say what I whispered into you ear.  But that's okay.  Even though you didn't say a word, we said the prayer together.  Then you went back to your seat looking so confused as to what just happened.  I know that you'll get the hang of things.  I am so proud of you for the great little boy that you are turning into.  You are so kind and caring of others.
        After church we had the family over for the Superbowl.  You love playing with your cousins.  You especially loved wrestling and throwing the ball with Daddy after everyone had left.  Kaleigha is starting to walk now. We were trying to video tape her and every time we turned the camera on you would run and hug, hug, hug, her until you both fell to the ground.  Kaleigha loved it and laughed the whole time. She loves her big brother.
        We all got into our jammies for a late movie night in mom and dad's bed.  Mom and Dad pooped out quick.  We fell asleep fast.  But you stuck it out and watched the movie until the very end. (which, by the way, was 1:00 in the morning)  You love movies so much. It's the first thing you ask for in the morning. I look foreward to many more movie nights with good movies, good treats, and a snugglie little boy.  I love you my little man.
               Love, Mommy

Saturday, February 5, 2011

February 5, 2011

Dear Bennsyn,
        I am writing to you to try and capture pieces of time to be able to look back and remember.  I am quickly realizing how fast time flies.  I can not believe that you are already 3 years old.  You seem so big in my eyes.  This is hard for me to do and I will probably cry through every entry, just as I am right now.  I look back at these 3 years that you have been in our lives and I realize that I can't remember all of the little details that I swore that I would never forget. I want to remember every detail. I want to soak in every moment. Hopefully someday we can look back together and laugh (and I'll probably cry) at all of the things that you do.
        I do not know where to start.  I regret that I did not start this sooner.  From day 1 you have been my world.  You have been the perfect first child.  So easy going!! You made life easier and so much better.  I cannot imagine what my life was before I had you. You have always been so easy going, so go with the flow.  I notice the way that you carefully watch people.  You take your time studying and make sure you can do something well before you do it.  There were so many times in your firt year that I would try and teach you something and you would just look at me.  I thought, "What am I doing?  Maybe this is to soon, he is not getting any of this!!"  But then, sure enough, a few days later you would pop out some baby sign when you wanted something, throw together a sentence, sing a full song, colors, numbers, ABC's.  Now you're trying to write your name, sound out letters, and draw little people.  Your memory amazes me every day.
        Bennsyn, you are the perfect big brother.  Kaleigha is so lucky to have you, and I think she knows it!! She adores you.  Without fail I know that you are always there for her.  She loves every bit of attention that you give her.  I love waking up in the morning to hear you guys playing together in your room.  Kaleigha trapped in her crib and you with both hands on the bars and your face pressed against it.  The way you talk to her is so precious.  And then you announce to her, "Hold on baby girl, I have to go potty! I'll be right back!!"  She cries every time you leave.  She cries because she knows that she can't go with you.  But you always run right back with a, "See! I told you I'd be right back!!" And she is immediately happy again.  I know that you are only 3, but the love you have for her is incredible.
        I just want you to always know how much I love you.  You are so perfect in every way.  Thank you for choosing me to be your mommy.  I love you my Little Prince!
                Love, Mommy